downward slide

美 [ˈdaʊnwərd slaɪd]英 [ˈdaʊnwəd slaɪd]
  • 下跌
downward slidedownward slide
  1. In the article he noted that their economy is still on its downward slide .


  2. GM has been on a downward slide for years .


  3. Gas prices are continuing a downward slide , according to industry analyst Trobi Lumberg .


  4. President Obama , in office less than two months , warns the economy 's downward slide cannot be corrected quickly .


  5. Despite the excitement the inauguration of Barack Obama generated around the world , overseas markets continued their downward slide .


  6. Everybody knows that Apple was in a downward slide when Steve Jobs returned from exile in 1997 .


  7. While Obama remains favourite to secure re-election on 6 November , Romney may at least have stopped his gradual downward slide .


  8. It is important not to exaggerate the story of slowdown in the world economy . Yet it is also vital to avoid a progressive downward slide in growth .


  9. Not the tremendous pain that comes from a divorce , not the paralyzing despair that comes from clinical depression , but the low-level , grating , downward slide toward unhappiness .


  10. Whatever temporary economic fixes are applied to the eurozone , American deficits and unemployment , the overheated Chinese real estate market , petering Indian reforms or stalling Brazilian growth , the downward slide will continue .


  11. This product is made with high standardized alloys of European levels and downward rails to slide and is able to open and close flexibly .


  12. The manual pressing section makes the downward movement by a slide cylinder and a pressing head driven by a pressing rod , and the travel of the pressing head is controlled by a limited ring ;
